Why I’m Not On Social Media, And Why You Shouldn’t Be Either

Max Vyölzse
3 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Shea Rouda on Unsplash

Social media is kostenlos. It’s free. You don’t have to spend a single penny, and you can set up an account on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or one of the others.

But I can’t afford it.

I can’t afford to give up time to be on social media, or mental capacity to deal with the inevitable drawbacks publicising my life. I’m not prepared to be controlled by an inexistent external force and reduced from citizen to keyboard warrior.

I’m not prepared to risk becoming an addict or use a resource that could and should have been helpful to bring upon harm among others.

On social media, there are a lot of great things, inspiring ones even. There are helpful messages, and awareness spreading threads that tell you to save lives, help others, and protect the environment.

But that’s just one face, and the less visible, less impactful of the two.

Yes, many resort to social media in trying to provide positive change, and many look up to social media as a form of education, counselling, or even motivation.

However social media is like alcohol. A few nights out with friends might seem like nothing, but it just takes one moment to get yourself in too deep to a point where you can’t recover.



Max Vyölzse

No rain, no flowers. Perfect is doing the best you can with what you have, and having no regrets.🍁