Oh What A Day.

Maxenne Vyölzse
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

I’ve never been so inspired to share some thoughts I don’t even want to. But I didn’t know what else to do.

Writing is the only thing that takes the sting out of how I’m feeling now.

For someone who writes about motivation, I don’t seem to have a lot of it as of late. But I guess that’s fine, because the second semester of summer school doesn’t start until next week.

Yesterday was the first day in a while I didn’t write. I slept on it, so it wasn’t painful, but it felt strange, having removed something from a routine I’ve kept for so long.

I worry more that I’ll start feeling detached from writing. Although I’m back today. Albeit for a bit of a rant.

About a year ago, I started sharing my writing. Writing made everything better. I think the first piece I shared was and is still here on Medium somewhere. I remember moving from platform to platform until deciding to settle on Medium in 2024.

At least I have something going for me.

But I’m fairly dejected right now.

There were a whole lot of things I was supposed to do yesterday that I failed to find the time for. And today, my Stripe account seems not to be working again, like every other day for the last two months, and it’s been driving me wild. The worst part is that no one’s even trying to fix it.

I’ve also realised that in my neighbourhood there have been an increasing amount of break-ins, home invasions, and thefts as of late. But what flabbergasts me is that there isn’t even anything worthy of stealing in this neighbourhood. The homes certainly aren’t worthy of what people are selling them for.

My mind still wonders how the bloody hell has Canada become such a bloodbath to the point where you can’t even feel safe in your own home? Everyone knows who to thank for that, but I won’t say it.

I’m just happy that I have a couple days off to take my mind off of everything.

Hopefully I’ll still be writing when I come back.

And hopefully the flowers up front are still there.

If you did read to the end, miraculously, thank you. If not, I can see why you didn’t, but thanks for dropping by anyway, not that you’re going to see this.



Maxenne Vyölzse

No rain, no flowers. Writing to spread positivity, social awareness, and hope.🍁