Lockdown Gave Me A New Chance I Didn’t Deserve
When the world shut down in 2020, I saw my world shut down before my own eyes.
Most of the momentum I had came to an end. Home and alone, alone and at home, I lost inspiration as it became increasingly challenging to think about the better times that didn’t feel all that long gone.
But they were gone. And I probably would’ve been too if I didn’t sit down and have a think to myself.
The pandemic impacted all of us differently. Some of us are lucky to be here today to tell our own story, others tasked with the pain of having to tell someone else’s too.
I was a freshman at secondary school when the pandemic taught me my lesson the hard way.
Before the world shut down, I thought I was treading sky high. I had friends in what I believed to be great places, influences around me I believed to be positive, and a mindset that said good enough.
Looking back, with what I really had, I was treading just to stay alive.
The people around me at school were horrible. Another year or two and I’d probably have been on whatever it was they were smoking too. I wasn’t ready to live in a great big world, and lockdown showed me just that.